Dead Sea Mud Mask Review

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Dead Sea Mud Mask 


Product Description:

     Dead Sea Mud Mask is an all-natural detoxifier and purifier that comes from the renowned and sacred Dead Sea.  More than a million visitor each year flock to this extraordinary body of water in the Mediterranean, which contains many minerals beneficial to the skin, such as magnesium, sodium bromine, potassium and calcium.

    Once applied, this mud mas treatment starts working to absorb excess oil, dirt and toxins from the skin.  It is great to expunge acene, pimples and blackheads.  It also helps to restore an even skin tone for a smoother complexion.  When used as a body treatment, the mud mask can soothe and relieve muscles aches and pains.

     Whether used on the face or the body the Dead Sea Mud Mask is a superb in-home spa treatment that will reveal more vibrant, refined, healthier skin.  

My Review:
     This mask does what it claims to do.  My husband had to try this mask as soon as it came in the mail because we love mud masks.  As soon as the mask started to dry on my face it felt tight and by the time it was completely dry it was really tight and I new it was working.  The mask cleaned out my pores and left me with a brighter, more even skin tone.  I must say that I love this mask.  It comes in such a big jar as well, 16 oz.    

To purchase click HERE.

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